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Fun with Google Maps api and Marker clusters :)

Hello Everyone, has been a long time since i wrote my last blog :(. So i am back with some helpful tips that might help someone.So lets quickly jump to different topics to customise google maps and how to use it in the way we want.Let start - Customise Google Places Autocomplete, so that it can only provide place nearby or relevant instead of global suggestions.Its simple, just use strictBounds     var options ={         ///all options in English language: 'en-US',         ///IMP -> LIFE SAVER :)         strictBounds: true,         //limit only to searching of places in INDIA ONLY         componentRestrictions: { country: "IN" }     } And then pass the options, along with the input field to the Autocomplete api. var input = document.getElementById('find_locations'); var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, op...

Loading Associations of associations using joins instead of includes

Imagine a Rails scenario where,User model has many associations.So it make look like:- Use includes for lazy loading of all associations Use joins to load all associations that exists For example:-                  A user has many orders.                  Order has many images,videos,comments,testimonials,feedbacks,address,contact_details and annoucements. So,to access a user having a request,with all orders having all associations,we will use the usual includes  like :- User.includes( { orders: [ { :address,:contact_details,:comments,annoucements,feedbacks: [:videos, :images] }] }) will load all users . But,to get all users having all associations present,we can use Joins  like: User.joins( { orders: [ { :address,:contact_details,:comments,annoucements,feedbacks: [:videos, :images] }] }) will load all users with associations present. Hope it he...

Using Charts in Rails Application

Hi Folks,                i have been using charts and graphs to show statistics such for number of orders,products category,daily visits.etc. Before i started using charts,i have been using Charts,js to show charts,which is too very easy. Here is the link where you can get more to understand about Chart.js As i want to share more about Chartkick ,which is a ruby gem which simplifies usage of Charts/Graphs in any Rails application just by simply installing the Gem and using one-line code in your view files wherein you need to pass group_by aggregated results Let us Start by visiting the Gthub page for Chartkick gem Install the Gem  Add the Dependent script(google chart/highchart js) in layout file <%= javascript_include_tag " // " , " chartkick " % > 3.YOU ARE DONE :) Once you have the Gem,all you need to do is to decide what type of charts you want to show.which can be:- Line Chart 2. Pie...

Using Geocoder to get street name,state,city,country etc in Your Rails app

Recently i implemented Google map for one of the module where User will enter his location/address and other relevant geo-details should get autopopulated.Well,This was posible because of   Geocoder  and by using it you can get every small details such as postalcode,country code,zipcode,street name,state name,state code,latitude,longitude(and more) ready in your hands easily.Its really awesome. I have used to it get all relevant information about the location that the user enter using Geocomplete ,another awesome autocomplete library to get locations. Suppose you have a users table and also few columns such as longitude,latitude,state,postal code,street name,address,country  and want to autopopulate other fields just by using address entered by the user then you are reading the right blog,So its easy,let me show you how. User will enter address using Geocomplete and store that address in address column in users/locations table Then,use Geocoder to fetch other geo...

Implement Modal in rails

Sometimes we need to show a modal window that comes flying on the website which really feels good as we do not have to load a new page.The reason why i love using modals is that you can show two things at the same time. For example :-Suppose user registers and logs in to your website,then immediately after a matter of seconds,you can show a modal to show/edit his profile OR add some more info about himself or similar stuff and all the user can do is just click button to continue/reject without changing the previous screen.Trust feels good.see the example1 , example2    Similarly if You talk in context of Rails,If the user is in index page,you can render the show action in the Modal, user can either see the stuff he clicked on index page or cancel the modal,thereby reducing your effort to reload or write extra code for index->show and again show->index. Enough of lectures...lets start the main stuff To add MODAL to your application just follow t...

Adding Emoji icons to Rails application

Its very easy to add emoji icons/images to your rails application. It seems complex but its all easy using javascript.The steps can be simplified as shown below:- add the javascript(download jemotion ) include it in your view file(where you want :) to be shown as this -----------------------> thats it....done first you need to add this wonderful js which works really great and nice from home page . We are interested in only the js and emotions folder(containing the smileys/GIF images). once you download just include it in your view file and copy/dump the emotions folder(containing images) to app/assets/images for RAILS 3+. as i did where i want the users to view their comments after they submit their comment. You also need to give a unique id to make  the js understand where it needs to convert your symbols to icons.see below code and hope you will understand how to use it. Keep in mind two thing:- dont forget t...

Convert videos using ffmpeg by ffmpeg_paperclip-Rails

Recently i implemented video uploads at S3 using ffmpeg-paperclip and ffmpeg where my uploaded videos get converted into mp4,webm and ogg(most required formats) along with 2 screenshots(with diff sizes) and stored at S3. its so wonderful in many ways:- your uploaded videos get converted into required formats(compatible on all browsers) before saving using ffmpeg through ffmpeg-paperclip moreover,you will also get screenshot(2 different images)of every video uploaded + AMAZON S3( you can even store locally,refer Paperclip ) if you want the background job to process video conversion then,use delayed_paperclip  i will show you how you can convert your uploaded videos into required formats and why we need to convert ....well refer  this .Before starting make sure that you have ffpmeg installed with all libraries needed,so click the above link instead of searching for how to install ffmpeg and install it( will take around 30mins.but its worthy ). Here i am using medi...