This is a quick post to share few easy methods to access files on AWS S3. The below custom utility methods uses aws-sdk-s3 Firstly lets define a constant to access files on S3 - ##to manage S3 Resources S3 = region: "YOUR-REGION", access_key_id: "YOUR-AWS-KEY", secret_access_key: "YOUR-AWS-SECRET") ##to query S3 S3_client = access_key_id:, secret_access_key:, region: ) Now, lets use the S3 OBJECT to access files in different ways - 1. Get all files in a S3 FOLDER ##this gives a array of file paths present in the folder specified by prefix attribute s3objects = S3.bucket("my-output-bucket").objects({prefix: "/inputs/any-random-user-folder"}).collect(&:key) ##you can also delete the file if found ...
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