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Showing posts from July, 2015

Using Charts in Rails Application

Hi Folks,                i have been using charts and graphs to show statistics such for number of orders,products category,daily visits.etc. Before i started using charts,i have been using Charts,js to show charts,which is too very easy. Here is the link where you can get more to understand about Chart.js As i want to share more about Chartkick ,which is a ruby gem which simplifies usage of Charts/Graphs in any Rails application just by simply installing the Gem and using one-line code in your view files wherein you need to pass group_by aggregated results Let us Start by visiting the Gthub page for Chartkick gem Install the Gem  Add the Dependent script(google chart/highchart js) in layout file <%= javascript_include_tag " // " , " chartkick " % > 3.YOU ARE DONE :) Once you have the Gem,all you need to do is to decide what type of charts you want to show.which can be:- Line Chart 2. Pie...