if you are looking to make use of your uploads using paperclip on AMAZON S3,then this is something that will help you. i tried the same and wasted 5 days but its very easy by using ONLY aws-sdk gem and you can start uploading to S3. Before starting i assume few thing from you: You have a running rails app ready. You have an active AMAZON S3 account (get the credentials,you will need it now) You are using paperclip 3.5.1 (i prefer) You uploads are saving to your system locally short preview of the sequence you need to understand: START -> get aws-sdk gem -> create new s3.yml -> configure an initializer-paperclip.rb using AMAZON S3 credentials ----END----------THAT'S IT lets get started: Install 'aws-sdk' gem by including in gemfile and running bundle install. Gemfile: gem 'paperclip' , '3.5.1' gem "aws-sdk" Create new yml file such as config/s3.yml and store your AMAZON S3 credentials as shown below...
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